Saturday, February 28, 2015

Techie Leaders

Two of our 5th grade students have taken technology to a new level. They have created their own You Tube channel where they showcase various Minecraft and other video game tutorials. We are so proud of these students at MMIS who are being innovators at a young age.
Here is the link to one of their videos on the channel Bergyboyz:

Way to go Adam Bergeson and Aidan Pollut!

Snowman Winners

Thank you to all who participated in the MMIS Snowman Challenge. We have enjoyed seeing all of your pictures and creativity. Everyone did a fantastic job.

The winners are:


Biggest Circumference:

Most School Spirit: 

Grand prizes for the winners will be given out Monday. Small prizes for all that participated and submitted a snowman picture either on FB or via email will also be given out on Monday.

Monday, February 9, 2015

A note from Ms. Davis

MMIS Families,

As you may know, the HGHS varsity basketball teams (boys and girls) made the regional tournament.  They play on Thursday, February 12 - girls at 12:00 and boys at 1:30.   In support of HGHS, our students will be excused from school if they attend the games. We will not be providing a pep bus or making any other organized group arrangements. It will be up to parents to provide the transportation. To be excused, students must submit a ticket stub with their name on the back to their homeroom teacher on Friday morning. Keep in mind that we are holding our first school-wide academic competition on Thursday afternoon. Students will be working in teams to solve science mysteries and build various things like weight-bearing pasta bridges, puff mobiles, and egg drop carriers. Remember, Friday is a half day and students will be dismissed at 11:05 a.m. We will have our first dance from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. on Friday. Admission is $5.

Go, Trojans! GOOD LUCK

Monday, February 2, 2015

Shoparoo Fundraiser

This year we are excited to be partnering with a truly hassle-free fundraiser called Shoparoo! Nationwide, over 10,000 schools are already earning hundreds and even thousands through Shoparoo and it’s a great opportunity for us to really make a difference this year!

Shoparoo is fundraising made easy: turn pictures of your everyday shopping receipts into cash donations and sweepstakes entries for our school with this free app. Yep, it’s that simple. No cutting labels, selling door to door, or time-consuming coordinating. Just shop, snap, earn.

Get started today:
1. Download the free Shoparoo app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store 2. Select our school from the list and start taking pictures of your receipts - shop anywhere, buy anything!
3. Earn even more points by spreading the word and inviting others to join

There’s no limit to how much money we can raise with Shoparoo - the more supporters, the more we will raise for our school. Also, each of our first 20 participants will earn a guaranteed $1 donation from Shoparoo for their first receipt! Check out to learn more about this awesome hassle-free program.

Thank you for your support!