Dear Moores Mill Intermediate Parents,
As we are quickly approaching
cold and flu season, I would like to remind you of our school policy regarding
communicable illnesses and give you some helpful tips for staying healthy. I am
beginning to see a lot of students in clinic with communicable illnesses and
many of them tell me that they were sick before leaving home, but their parents
encouraged them to come to school. Please let me remind you that control
measures and periods of exclusion are very important at a time like this in
order to keep down the spread of these illnesses. If we all follow these
guidelines and simple steps, it will help to combat the spread of illness
throughout our school and in your homes.
School guidelines regarding
communicable illness:
The student should remain at home until free of diarrhea and vomiting for 24
hours. This means that your child may not return to school until 24 hours
from their last vomiting or diarrhea episode.
If the student experiences a fever during an illness, they should be “fever
free” for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication before
returning to school.
If the diagnosis is strep throat, the student should remain at home for 24
hours after starting the first dose of antibiotic treatment.
4. During any communicable illness,
the student should be symptom free and fever free for 24 hours before returning
to school.
Helpful Tips to Staying
Frequent hand washing is the best way to prevent and combat the spread of
germs. Emphasize hand washing to your children before meals and before
preparing food, after using the bathroom, when returning home from school,
after playing outside, after being around someone that is sick, after sneezing,
coughing, or blowing your nose, and after playing with animals.
Get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and eat healthy foods
Avoid people that sick and stay home when you are sick
Disinfect surface that are prone to germs (ex. phones, keyboards, door knobs,
5. Immunizations like the flu
mist or shot
I appreciate your assistance
and consideration of others during times when your student is not feeling well
and may be contagious to others. Thank you for your help in keeping our
students healthy!
Thank You,
Nurse Kandy