Monday, December 15, 2014

A note from Nurse Kandy

 Dear Moores Mill Intermediate Parents,

As we are quickly approaching cold and flu season, I would like to remind you of our school policy regarding communicable illnesses and give you some helpful tips for staying healthy. I am beginning to see a lot of students in clinic with communicable illnesses and many of them tell me that they were sick before leaving home, but their parents encouraged them to come to school. Please let me remind you that control measures and periods of exclusion are very important at a time like this in order to keep down the spread of these illnesses. If we all follow these guidelines and simple steps, it will help to combat the spread of illness throughout our school and in your homes.

School guidelines regarding communicable illness:

1. The student should remain at home until free of diarrhea and vomiting for 24 hours. This means that your child may not return to school until 24 hours from their last vomiting or diarrhea episode.
2. If the student experiences a fever during an illness, they should be “fever free” for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication before returning to school.
3. If the diagnosis is strep throat, the student should remain at home for 24 hours after starting the first dose of antibiotic treatment.
4. During any communicable illness, the student should be symptom free and fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.

Helpful Tips to Staying Healthy:

1. Frequent hand washing is the best way to prevent and combat the spread of germs. Emphasize hand washing to your children before meals and before preparing food, after using the bathroom, when returning home from school, after playing outside, after being around someone that is sick, after sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose, and after playing with animals.
2. Get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and eat healthy foods
3. Avoid people that sick and stay home when you are sick
4. Disinfect surface that are prone to germs (ex. phones, keyboards, door knobs, toothbrushes)
5. Immunizations like the flu mist or shot

I appreciate your assistance and consideration of others during times when your student is not feeling well and may be contagious to others. Thank you for your help in keeping our students healthy!

Thank You,

Nurse Kandy

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Roaring 20's

The 6th grade History classes enjoyed learning about the Roaring 20's this week:


Here are a few shots from last week:
The Classes did a wonderful job with the Pumpkin Contest. 

The first MMIS Student Congress enjoy lunch with Ms. Davis in the Commons Area

News from the Warrior Cafe

With the new dietary guidelines, there are many changes to the breakfast menu and what is considered a “complete” breakfast.  Essentially the students will choose either a hot or cold breakfast.  Each breakfast must contain 3 of the 4 offered items and one MUST be a fruit/vegetable or a carton of juice.  (Cold example: Cereal, banana and milk is a complete breakfast, but a muffin OR juice could also be included. Hot example: Biscuit, sausage and fruit juice is a complete breakfast, but can also include a milk.)  PopTarts can no longer be part of the cold breakfast choices but will be sold ala carte`.  For lunch, students must choose 3 of the 5 items being offered and one must be a fruit OR vegetable.  They are not required to choose milk or a meat as long as they have 3 of the 5 offered items.

If sending a check for meals with your student, please include the student’s first name, last name, phone number and lunch number.

It is a pleasure and an honor to be a part of the Moores Mill Intermediate staff and to serve your students.  Please, feel free to call anytime if you have any questions.
                                                                Lynn Meagher

                                                                CNP Manager

Veteran's Day Program

Hello, Warriors. The fifth grade classes are hosting a Veteran’s Day program. We are asking all MMIS Warriors to help out with this event. Here are the ways you can help:

1.       Please think of a veteran you would like to recognize. Share your recognition in the form of a poster. These posters will be used to decorate our halls at school. We want to call it The Halls of Heroes.

Posters should be brought to school by Mon., November 3rd. Below is information that was sent home already about the Veterans Day Program information. 

The Program will be November 6th at 10:00 in the Moores Mill Intermediate Gymnasium. 

Please indicate on this sheet if you and your child will be creating a poster to honor a loved veteran. The poster should be standard size. Real photographs or copies of photographs would be a nice touch to the posters. Images from the Internet might add more detail and description to the veteran and his/her story. Of course, a sheet or card with a biography of the veteran and his/her service record would be important to include on this poster. Since our Veteran’s Day program is scheduled for November 6th, we are asking that the posters be sent to school by Monday, November 3rd. Thank you in advance for taking time to help create an atmosphere of honor and respect for these individuals that are so deserving of this attention.


Please cut off this bottom portion and return to school if you are planning on creating a poster for
 The Hall of Heroes.

______________________________________________ (name of student) a student in ________________________________________ (homeroom teacher/grade) is making a poster for The Hall of Heroes. We are aware that this poster needs to be returned to school by Monday, November 3rd.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Special Olympics Snapshots

We are so proud of all our MMIS Warriors! Several participated in Special Olympics today at Milton Frank stadium. Way to go Warriors!

Around the Campus

Here are a few snapshots from last week.

We hope you enjoy glimpses into life at MMIS. If you do not want your child included in any of the published snapshots throughout the year, please send an email to

Thank you!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Welcome Back!

We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable Fall Break. We are excited to start off the 2nd nine weeks at MMIS. Important Dates this week are Wednesday(Fall Pictures) and Thursday (Report Cards). The latest newsletter has been uploaded here: October Newsletter

Thank you all so much for your continued support and encouragement as we progress through our inaugural year at MMIS. You are a vital part in what we do each and every day. Whether you are a community member, parent, grandparent, teacher, or student, you matter and you are an important piece of MMIS.  We appreciate you! 

 This quarter look for weekly blog updates, and do not forget to find us on Twitter and Facebook. Have a great week Warriors! 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

CIP survey


The link below takes you to a survey. The information provided will help our MMIS faculty with our CIP(Continuous Improvement Plan) that we are creating. We value your input. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey. Have a wonderful Fall Break!

Parent Survey for CIP

Friday, October 3, 2014

First Quarter Snapshots

It is hard to believe that today marked the end of the first report card grading period for Moores Mill Intermediate. Time has flown by. Here are some various snapshots from the first quarter. Have a safe Fall Break and we will see you all on October 13th!